Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios

Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography at Fazeley Studios

Birmingham holds many secrets and delights when it comes to finding new and exciting places for wedding venues – and Fazeley Studios is no exception. In fact it’s got to be one of the most unassuming buildings in the entire city! You would never guess at the spacious and marvellous interior behind the bright blue doors at number 16 – now a gorgeously renovated events venue that was originally built as a chapel and Sunday School by architect George Ingall in the late 1800s.

Set in the heart of the digital and creative community in Digbeth, this urban treasure offers a spectacular venue for weddings, events and conferences. The high ceilings and unique vintage-style furnishings provided a delightful setting and made my experience of doing wedding photography at Fazeley Studios for Christian and Jayne all the more enjoyable.

I first joined Jayne and her three bridesmaids at her home, whilst having their makeup done in the kitchen overlooking the garden. Jayne’s elegant, lace floor-length dress looked exquisite accompanied by three chic silver-striped bridesmaid dresses. Shortly after I joined Christian and the lads at The Edgbaston Hotel, the cloudy June skies providing great outdoor lighting as they gathered on the beer garden patio for pre-wedding drinks, looking extremely smart in their navy suits.

Having never done wedding photography at Fazeley studios before, I was immediately enchanted by the minimalistic aesthetic of the venue. I soon took the opportunity to capture all the details that makes a wedding personal – the white floral bouquets on the tables, the little glass box for wedding cards, and of course the incredible eight-tier cheesecake – and not in the traditional sense, an actual cake compiled of cheese! As the guests arrived Christian waited eagerly in the adjoining room for the civil ceremony, sharing smiles with everyone as they waited for the bride to arrive. From the simplistic beauty of the wedding isle to the well-selected champagne, it was soon clear why having wedding photography at Fazeley Studios is so popular with clients!

Soon Jayne joined Christian to make their vows, standing hand in hand as they exchanged silver rings, and then, after rapturous applause, signed the registry book. I always love photographing these moments, catching the loving glances and the faces of the guests as they bring out their own phones and cameras to take photos of the merry couple. Taking photos of a view through a phone is always exciting – you get to see different perspectives of the same scene: a view within a view.

We then retreated back into the foyer for champagne, and Christian took the floor for the groom’s speech. This was a wonderful opportunity to capture everyone together, smiling and sharing in the couple’s happiness. After the speeches ended the guests explored the venue; some went to the bar, others to the courtyard patio. The array of modish rooms gave me a fantastic variety of settings to work with whilst doing wedding photography at Fazeley Studios, offering a really relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere for Christian, Jayne and their guests for the evening.

One of my favourite parts of providing Christian and Jayne’s wedding photography at Fazeley Studios was capturing the traditional couple photos. They both looked stunning amidst the grand armchairs and minimalistic backdrop of earthy tones and antique patterns. Afterwards they re-joined their guests and enjoyed themselves on the dance floor as a live band played on into the night – which even featured a cardboard cut-out of Mark from Take That at the keyboard!

Overall I really enjoyed my time doing wedding photography at Fazeley Studios, and certainly hope to have the opportunity again. Thank you to Christian and Jayne for inviting me to share in your special day, and I wish you both the very best for your future together.

Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios
Christian & Jayne’s Wedding Photography At Fazeley Studios